Life: it's something that we all have in common.
The lady in the check-out line with her cart of groceries; she's alive.
The man behind the wheel of the police car; he's alive.
The little kids thinking about what they want for Christmas; they're alive.
The doctor scrubbing up before performing open heart surgery; he's alive.
The woman sitting at the window of her apartment, watching the world go by; she's alive.
The little boy riding his bike down the street; he's alive.
The older man playing chess with his friends and remembering the "good 'ole" days; he's alive.
The little girl giddy with the anticipation of being "older" playing tea-party and dress up; she's alive.
We have life. We're alive.
What is life if not more than a few breaths that we take while we walk the earth. Life is short. We're all aware of this grim reality, though some live with this reality in mind and others pretend that it doesn't exist. Life is a vapor. Scripture accords that man's days are nothing more than a breath, a vapor that floats on the wind. There is nothing to it; one moment here and the next gone.
True life brings hope. It is full of joy and wonder. It's rich and blessed.
It's free.
How many times have you woken up in the morning, rubbed the sleep from your eyes, and let out a prodigious yawn, without thinking about where the air you just breathed came from? Or what about just before you took that difficult test and you sighed with despair; did you think about where that air came from? Life is as simple as breathing, yet we hesitate to stop and think who is the Giver of Life.
"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place..." (Acts 17:24-26)
Life is a gift from God. He, being the Creator of the universe, has set into motion life and breath and everything. He created the earth, set the stars in their place, made the laws of the universe so that it functions in order. He set the times and the seasons in place. He causes the rain to fall and the sun to shine. He raised up the mountains by the word of His power. Creation sings of the life that God has granted it.
And humans, people made in the image of God, are we thankful for every breath, every moment of life?
It's a gift!
Is not God still here?
Sometimes, I think, that we don't recognize that even the hard days are from God. We make excuses for them to explain them away with our varying emotions or the weather.
Look for God's grace on the days that are "normal", "ordinary", or "insignificant". God has given it to you to live; to love Him and others around you!
Life is a gift from God, yet it's more than just the air that we breathe.
It's found in Jesus Christ: the true Life.
This life is salvation, given to us through the grace of God by faith, to live eternally with God.
This life is the promise that what we have and are now is not the end.
This life is full of reasons to be thankful!