Friday, October 21, 2011

Celebrate Everyday pt. 21

We all know those sorts of people that just REALLY enjoy talking. When they were younger, their parents always made some sort of funny comment about how they have been talking since birth (and even before that sometimes!). For some reason, they find a distinct pleasure in spouting off great facts about something historical, or useless tidbits of trivia. But whatever the topic of conversation, it always ends up lasting for a long time!
I have many such friends and acquaintances with whom I enjoy spending time with. So I am in no way making fun of their loving talking. Today, we are celebrating them...

Babbling Day

Now, I know what your thinking. You don't want to take a whole day and listen to a "babbler". Well, you don't have too. Why not just join them in their talking and surprise everyone!?

In thinking of celebrating today, I was talking with a friend who suggested a section from a Winnie the Pooh story.

This is a section from the story entitled "In which Eeyore loses a tail and Pooh finds One". The story begins with Eeyore looking for his tail. Winnie the Pooh comes up and offers to help his friend. Pooh begins by going and visiting the very wise Owl. Owl suggests that Pooh put out a reward for the missing tail.

"A Reward!" said Owl very loudly. "We write a notice to say that we will give a large something to anybody who finds Eeyore's tail."
"I see, I see," said Pooh, nodding his head. "Talking about large somethings," he went on dreamily, "I generally have a small something about now--about this time in the morning," and he looked wistfully at the cupboard in the corner of Owl's parlour; "just a mouthful of condensed milk or whatnot, with perhaps a lick of honey--"

"Well, then," said Owl, "we write out this notice, and we put it up all over the Forest."
"A lick of honey," murmured Bear to himself, "or--or not, as the case may be." And he gave a deep sigh, and tried very hard to listen to what Owl was saying.
But Owl went on and on, using longer and longer words, until at last he came back to where he started, and he explained that the person to write out this notice was Christopher Robin.
"It was he who wrote the ones on my front door for me. Did you see them, Pooh?"
For some time now Pooh had been saying "Yes" and "No" in turn, with his eyes shut, to all that Owl was saying, and having said, "Yes, yes," last time, he said "No, not at all," now, without really knowing what Owl was talking about?"

So you see even Pooh had problems with very verbose friends. But through it all, he still loved his friend Owl. And the next time that you are stuck in a situation similar to Pooh's, just smile to yourself!

Happy Babbling!!!

p.s. some other person might take the liberty of interpreting this day as a way to sit by a "babbling" brook...but for some reason it just doesn't seem to fit! :)

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