Sunday, October 30, 2011

Celebrate Everyday pt. 29 & 30

For a Lovely, Lazy Saturday...
Hermit Day!
For a second to last day of October...
Mischief Night!

One thing I always like about the weekend is when I can have a lazy Saturday. There is something that "puts the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae" when you can sleep in on a beautiful Saturday morning and just enjoy the rest of the day. This past Saturday was just lovely! I love hermit days. It is a great way to keep your sanity sometime. (but just *sometime...especially for people-oriented persons) There are many times in our lives when you just need to get away from people for a little while. Thus, the excuse for hermitting! :)

Now, we get to Sunday night. According to popular thought the night before halloween is called "mischief night". You ask, what kind of mischief? I say, I don't know! We will leave that up to your good discretion.

I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend!

It is almost November!!!

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